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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Safety Baby Magnetic Cabinet Locks

I was so exciting that Azon Commodities Inc. asked me to do a review on this wonderful product. Safety Baby Magnetic Cabinet Locks are by far the best child safety locks i have used so far. Easy assembly, won't damage your cabinets and it leaves a more desirable look than the other child safety locks. It took me two minutes to put them on my cabinets; no tools are required for installation. I thought at first that it wouldn't work as well as it did because it attaches to the cabinet with just mounting tape. I thought for sure it would just pull right off as soon as i open the cabinet door but i was pleasantly surprised to see that i was wrong. The magnet acts as a key to unlock the latch from its locked position. I think this product is awesome because it leaves a cleaner organized look compared to those other bulky child locks. I would definitely recommend this product to all parents with little ones. It gives you a peace of mind that your child is safe. I will be rating this product as a 5 star on Amazon. 


Go check them out on Amazon and order it today! Get a special 10% discount with the coupon code below.

Coupon code SAFETY10

 Azon Commodities Inc.


I received this product free in exchange for my fair and honest review.

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